March News

Mar 22, 2017

March is already coming to an end and it has been a very busy month at CJS Recruitment.

Our London office has been open for a month now and we have had a an amazing response with Operatives coming in to register with us.

We have also had some of our Operatives in to the office for a Manual Handling training which was held by our Health and Safety Consultant, Roy Lovelock. All of the Operatives passed with flying colours and have secured positions with a new client.

We have secured some new projects this month as well as new clients, who we are looking forward to working with.

New Projects March 2017

Overbury Core

Portman Square
St Boltophs Building
New Broadcasting House


Bauer Media

Morgan Lovell

The British Library[h3a]Morgan Lovell[/h3a]

Cannon Glass

Shell Tower